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Research is at the heart of what we do. With over 20 years of dedicated research into commerce and contract management, our members benefit from our latest insights, leading practices and professional development programs. 

A recent survey of our membership revealed the following insights:

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Gestión de Contratos en Latinoamérica

¿Eres parte del proceso de gestión de contratos en tu organización? ¡Nos encantaría conocer tu opinión!

Te invitamos a participar en nuestra encuesta sobre el estado de madurez de las prácticas de gestión de contratos en Latinoamérica. Estamos midiendo aspectos como prioridades, intercambio de conocimientos, tiempos de ciclo de vida, despliegue de tecnología y el uso de la inteligencia artificial.

Tu participación es fundamental para identificar tendencias clave y desafíos en la región. Además, podrás evaluar el nivel de madurez de la gestión de contratos en tu organización y contribuir a la mejora colectiva de estas prácticas en Latinoamérica.

¡No pierdas la oportunidad de ser parte de esta iniciativa! Tu experiencia y conocimiento son clave para avanzar en la gestión contractual en nuestra región.

How does your salary compare? Where are the best opportunities and the greatest rewards?

Research shows that Commercial and Contract Management roles are receiving increased executive attention. As the leading professional association in this field, employers and practitioners turn to us for the latest data on salaries and compensation packages. We are therefore inviting you to take part in our confidential annual Salary Survey.

Our survey will reveal the job roles and industries where satisfaction is highest, and it will also confirm any existing international variations. The data will be released to all participants as a consolidated report.

How can suppliers and governments build better contracting relationships?

The purpose of this survey, in partnership with University College London, is to investigate how governments make decisions about tendering for and managing contracts and how suppliers make decisions about bidding for and delivering government contracts.

The survey uses brief case-study scenarios to investigate how the public and private sectors develop productive working relationships and how those relationships vary across different geographic locations and industries.

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Benchmark Industry Reports